What are we all about?

Risky Business Systems, LLC has grown out of the Tree Care Industry. You know, all those people running chainsaws at-height? Those are some of our favorite people, friends, and family. Risky Business Systems applies Systems Engineering methods within high-risk industries, like arboriculture, to improve safety, efficiency, and effectiveness. 

Core Values

  1. First priority is the well-being of people exposed to the highest risk.

  2. Sustainable performance is only attained with a safe system. Systems are built to support performance. All progress is lost if safety fails.

  3. Safety features will be dismantled if they hinder performance. Safety isn’t a band-aid, safety must be engrained in how work is done everyday.

  4. Eliminating humans doesn't eliminate Human Error. People create innovation and improvement.

  5. Clear & Concise Communication: a logical solution does not require persuasion. I'm here to help your system prosper, I refuse to "sell" anything that would hinder your success. 

Continuous Improvement Solutions

Solutions for business-needs that meet industry standards, fit your culture, and keep business continuously improving. Running a business in a high-risk industry is more than a full-time job. It's a passion fueled by the pressure to keep your people safe and business thriving. Few can relate to this nonstop balancing-act of system maintenance and system improvement. That's why it's pivotal to understand the current state before integrating a solution. Solutions only add-value when they align with the current system. 

The Process

First is to understand the problem. Once your problem is understood then we go to where the problem is experienced first-hand. Experience allows for a deeper understanding of the interdependencies that would be affected from changes. These interdependencies are the characteristics of your company that make it unique - the people, processes, and procedures, skills, preferences, and overall set up. How these interdependencies interact with the project solution is the foundation to the project implementation plan. By the end of our time together, you will have a full understanding of the problem, solution, and implementation. Business never sleeps, keep your focus on running your business and let us find a sustainable way to improve it. 

Business Partners